When you experience any accident or injury that involves blunt trauma to the face, you should pay close attention to the long-term condition of your teeth. Some of them may have experienced damage below the gum without showing initial signs of injury. Here are five signs that one or more teeth have cracked or fractured in the root area, which generally requires a root canal or other treatment.
1. Bleeding from the Gums…
Taking care of your teeth and your gums is an important part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Just as you watch what you eat, get a recommended amount of exercise, and visit your doctor when you are sick, you need to take care of your oral health to keep your teeth and gums in good health. Here are some ways your dental professional can help you with any additional care for your teeth and gums.…
Traditional metal braces often make wearers cringe. They do not like them because they are obvious, and because they seem so medieval. At least now patients have the option of choosing Invisalign invisible braces. Invisible braces have all the following benefits that traditional metal braces do not.
You Can Brush and Floss Normally
People with metal braces can brush normally, but they go through a lot of toothbrushes before the braces come off.…