If you have been told you have gum disease, there is no reason to worry. In fact, half of all American adults are diagnosed with gum disease according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. There are different levels of gum disease starting a gingivitis and ending in periodontal disease. Regardless of the severity of your gum disease, you need to be treated quickly in order to avoid worse symptoms that can occur.…
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Candy is one of the worst things for your teeth, though it is one of the most popular gifts at Valentine’s Day and any other day of the year when you want to show someone you care for them. Candy can lead to the decay and breakage of your teeth. The damage can potentially be even more severe if you don’t take care of your teeth the way that you need to.…
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By the time your child approaches his or her first birthday, it’s time to think about getting ready to visit the dentist. Pediatric dental appointments are important as the dentist will be able to not only examine the health of your child’s teeth, but also help you understand how to properly clean the teeth and discuss whether thumb sucking is causing harm. Your mind can race in the days leading up to this big milestone in the child’s life, as you want to be sure the appointment not only goes well, but also that you remember to ask the right questions.…
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