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Preventing Tooth Damage: How To Discourage Thumb Sucking

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For some children, it is a very common practice for them to suck their thumb in order to comfort themselves. This is a very normal behavior, but it can be damaging to the child’s teeth. As time goes on, his or her jaw and teeth will not align properly and require some gentle dental care to repair it. The following are some ways you can help discourage thumb sucking in order to preserve your child’s smile:…

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Tips For Senior Oral Health

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As you age, dental care is still a very important part of your health, but the issues that you’re most likely to deal with may evolve over time. Here are some tips and concerns that are common for senior dental health.  Get Screened for Oral Diseases One area that becomes important for seniors is getting regularly screened for dental issues. For instance, periodontal disease (or gum disease) is an illness that can come with cumulative damage to your gums over many years; seniors should make sure that they aren’t suffering from this disease on a yearly basis.…

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Preparing Your Child For Braces Removal

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If your child is nearing the end of the treatment cycle with braces, he or she may wonder what’s ahead in terms of the actual removal process. After all, by the time you get to the end of the treatment cycle, your child is probably pretty used to having the braces in place and may be apprehensive about having them taken off. The best thing you can do is prepare your child by helping him or her understand the process.…

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4 Things That Can Negatively Affect Your Veneers

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If you have dental veneers, you may be enjoying the way that this cosmetic dental application is able to transform the appearance of your teeth. Dental veneers can be used to cover unsightly chips, discoloration and dental gapping. Nevertheless, your dental veneers can be damaged if proper precautions are not taken. Here are a few things that can negatively impact dental veneers: Bruxism Bruxism is a condition in which you grind your teeth regularly and unintentionally.…

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2 Tips For Protecting Your Child's Teeth From Chronic Gingivitis

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Children are often susceptible to early forms of tooth decay and bacterial infection because they are still developing their dental care routine. Therefore, they can often battle with bacteria in the form of chronic gingivitis. Chronic gingivitis is a mild form of gum disease that reappears regularly. The reappearance of chronic gingivitis is due to poor dental health. It is important to help your child maintain healthy teeth because their baby teeth are often used as a guide for their more permanent teeth.…

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4 Benefits Of Seeing A Family Dentist

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A family dentist is a dentist who will be able to see you, your spouse, and your children. This means that they are educated on your child’s dental health, so you won’t have to find a dentist who specializes in pediatric dental care, but instead can take your children with you to your appointments. Here are the four benefits of choosing a family dentist over any other type of dentist: Teach Your Children Good Habits: When you visit the dentist with your children, you are helping them to develop good oral hygiene habits.…

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3 Issues Corrected By Cosmetic Dentistry

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Not everyone is happy with their smile. Whether it be misaligned teeth or a smile that is far too “gummy,” there are reasons why people want to change how their smile looks. A cosmetic dentist can help you with that proposition. Throughout the course of this brief guide, you will learn of a few dental issues that can be corrected by the hand of a cosmetic dentist. Yellow Teeth If your teeth are not as white as they once were, and have taken on a grayish or yellowed hue, then a cosmetic dentist can help you out with this issue.…

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Need Dental Implants? Know About The Pre-Surgery Exam And Potential Treatments

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If periodontal disease has left you with some missing teeth, you may be looking for a way to restore your smile. Thankfully, dental implants are a great way to do it in a way that is permanent. Before you can have dental implants installed, you must get an examination to figure out how healthy your gums and jawbone are for the procedure.  By knowing what to expect for the examination and treatments for potential problems, you’ll be prepared for what’s ahead.…

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Are Dental Implants The Solution For You?

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If you want to get a missing tooth replaced, then you have three main options to choose from: dental implants, dental bridges, and dentures. Each is suited to specific situations, which means that one option might be great for you, while another might not be ideal. To help you figure out which is your best bet, here is an explanation of how implants work and what benefits they bring to the table:…

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2 Cosmetic Dental Applications For A Cracked Tooth

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Biting down on a hard substance can crack a tooth. The bite pressure that is applied to break a piece of hard candy may be too much for a weak spot in your tooth enamel, and a fissure or crack could result. As long as the crack is superficial, it may not jeopardize the health of the tooth, but it can still affect the appearance. Nevertheless, there are multiple cosmetic dental applications that can be used to repair a cracked tooth.…

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