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Having Buck Teeth: Dentistry That Can Help

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Buck teeth, better known as protruding teeth, can be a cosmetic concern for many dental patients. The most common complaint about this common condition is when the upper front teeth protrude more than the rest of the teeth, giving them a prominent appearance that can make a person self-conscious. When the front teeth stick out, they can cause the upper lip to pull up and can make the condition even more noticeable.…

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Orthodontic Options for Your Self-Conscious Teen

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If your teenager has misaligned teeth, the youngster may be increasingly uncomfortable with his or her appearance. Teens are often already self-conscious about the changes that their bodies are undergoing, and crooked teeth can further exacerbate any self-esteem issues. Still, as a parent, you are likely concerned about your teen’s confidence. Here are a few dental-alignment options that your teen can feel good about as his or her teeth are being straightened.…

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Why Cavities In Baby Teeth Need Dental Fillings

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When a typical visit to the dental office results in your child having cavities in a baby tooth, you need to decide whether you should have the cavities filled. It’s common for parents to assume that cavities in primary teeth don’t need dental fillings because the teeth will eventually fall out. However, many dental offices fill cavities in primary teeth on a regular basis. In fact, there are several reasons that you should consider having your child’s cavities filled.…

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Factors To Consider When Choosing Teeth Straightening Systems

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If you are looking for ways to straighten your teeth but do not want to deal with braces, you may want to consider clear teeth aligners. These systems are convenient and do not show as much as braces, but there are some considerations to think about before moving forward with this option: Molars One of the first things to consider is whether or not all of your molars have come in.…

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Pregnancy And The Oral Health Problems It Can Cause

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Pregnancy is an amazing thing; however, while your body is busy creating a new life, there are some unfortunate downsides that come with pregnancy. In addition to back and foot pain, you might be surprised to learn that your oral health could suffer while you’re pregnant. Read on to learn more about why you’re at a higher risk of dental complications during pregnancy, what to expect, and what you can do about it.…

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Dealing With A Painful Tooth Chip? What To Know

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If you have chipped a tooth but you aren’t sure if it’s damaged the inside of the tooth, you want to make an appointment with the dentist quickly so you don’t have further problems. A dental chip can be a real problem if it’s ignored, and these are struggles you don’t want to deal with when you could have had the tooth repaired without complications. Save the chipped tooth if you can locate the broken part.…

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What To Do When You Can't Get Floss Between Two Teeth

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It’s no secret that flossing is essential for good dental health. But what do you do when you can’t get the floss between two teeth that are abnormally close together? You don’t want to just force the floss down there, since it could get stuck and fray, warranting a last-minute visit to the dentist to get it removed. You don’t really want to skip flossing those teeth, either, since that could lead to decay and cavities.…

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Two Tips To Help You Get Budget-Friendly Dental Implants

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If you have missing teeth, dental implants can be a dream come true.  Not only do they restore your smile, they are extremely functional as well, since things like chewing and talking may become easier once they’ve been fitted into your mouth.  However, dental implants can be quite costly, with a single implant costing as much as $4,000 dollars.  Because many dental insurance companies consider the procedure to be purely cosmetic, they may not cover it.…

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Answering Common Periodontal Disease Questions

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Health problems with your mouth can be a serious issue that need to be addressed at some point during your life. Unfortunately, there are numerous diseases and conditions that patients fail to notice because they are not aware of the signs and symptoms. If this is the case for you, it may be beneficial to learn about the following questions and answers about periodontal disease. What Is The Cause Of Periodontal Disease?…

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Five Tips For Fighting Teeth Stains From Coffee

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If you want to keep your smile as white as possible, there are many stain-producing food and drinks that you may want to rethink your relationship with. Love your morning coffee? Tired of the strains? Try these ideas: 1. Switch to lattes. Rather than just drinking drip coffee, consider switching to a latte. These drinks feature espresso which, like coffee, may stain your teeth. However, about two-thirds to four-fifths of the cup or even more in some cases contains milk.…

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