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Health Consequences Of Crooked Teeth

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While crooked teeth may affect the appearance of your smile, they can have more serious consequences. Crooked or misaligned teeth can raise your risk for oral health problems, and if they’re not treated by your dentist, these problems may lead to permanent tooth loss. Here are some health consequences of crooked teeth and what you can do about them. Oral Infections When your teeth are crowded or crooked, plaque and hard calculus can accumulate in between and behind your teeth.…

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Dental Care As An Adult: What To Know

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When it comes to dental care during childhood and adolescence, it’s typically the responsibility of the parents to make sure that the teeth and gums are properly taken care of. While good dental care during youth can set the stage for healthy teeth and gums throughout your lifetime, it’s up to you as an adult to take care of your dental care needs. However, too many adults forgo regular dental services and pay the price.…

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The Benefits Of Using A Family Dentist

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There are doctors out there that specialize in different areas such as orthopedics, pediatrics, obstetrics, and more. Similarly, there are a variety of different types of dentists out there that specialize in their own areas. One type of specialty that you may see is a family dentist. But, why might you want to consider switching over from your regular dentist to a family dentist? This article will take a closer look at a few specific reasons why.…

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Know The Steps Involved With Getting A Child Braces

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Have you noticed that your child has teeth that are crooked or misaligned? If so, you may be wondering what steps are involved towards getting them orthodontic treatment. These steps will help guide through what you can expect. The Consultation You may think that you cannot take your child to an orthodontist for a consultation until all of their adult teeth have come in. However, it’s possible to take them to an orthodontist when some of them have started coming in and are problematic.…

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Dental Tips To Ensure A Happy And Healthy Spring

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The calendar turning from one season to the next is as good of an excuse as any to check up on your dental habits. Make this spring the one where you finally take full control over your dental health. Here are some dental tips to keep in mind for a happy and healthy spring. Switch Out Your Brushes Most dentists suggest you should switch out your brushes at least every three months, if not sooner.…

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How Autoimmune Diseases Can Complicate Dental Implant Surgery

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If you have an autoimmune disorder and are considering dental implants, discuss your condition with your dentist. Autoimmune disorders can increase the risk for complications both during and after your dental implant procedure. Fortunately, there are things you can do to lower these risks so that can enjoy the benefits of your tooth implant procedure. Here are some ways autoimmune conditions can complicate your implant procedure and what you can do about them:…

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How To Reduce Some Of The Negatives Of Flipper Use

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If you have suddenly lost a tooth, then you likely will want a replacement as soon as possible to ensure that aesthetics an function can be maintained. While you consider your options carefully in regard to a permanent replacement, there are some more temporary options to consider. A flipper tooth is one of them, but there are a few negatives to picking this sort of tooth. Keep reading to learn what they are and how they can be avoided.…

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3 Common Dental Myths To Be Aware Of

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People often believe things that are simply not true, and this occurs in the field of dentistry quite often. In fact, there are a lot of different dental myths going around that are not true, and here are three common ones you might believe. Flossing causes more harm than good There are quite a few people who truly believe that flossing their teeth causes more harm than good, and this is one of the most common myths in dentistry.…

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Is Cotton Mouth Ruining Your Teeth?

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Regardless of its legality, marijuana is used by many people. One of the most common side effects of using marijuana is developing dry mouth, also known as cotton mouth. Unfortunately, cotton mouth could end up causing serious problems for the health of your teeth and gums. Here’s why you should be concerned and what you can do to combat the problem. What Is Cotton Mouth? The dryness you feel in your mouth after consuming marijuana isn’t just your imagination.…

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Do Teeth Get More Crooked The Older You Get?

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As one ages, certain changes naturally occur. Skin gets looser or saggier, wrinkles develop, and teeth can be worn down. However, if you’re noticing that your teeth are getting more crooked as you get older, this isn’t a normal or healthy thing to have happen. Here’s why your teeth might be getting more crooked the older you get and what you can do about it. Bad Habits Even if you thought it wasn’t affecting you previously, bad habits like biting your nails can have a long-term cumulative effect.…

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