Don't Be Afraid to Get That Dental Work You Need

Preparing For Your Child's First Visit To The Dentist

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By the time your child approaches his or her first birthday, it’s time to think about getting ready to visit the dentist. Pediatric dental appointments are important as the dentist will be able to not only examine the health of your child’s teeth, but also help you understand how to properly clean the teeth and discuss whether thumb sucking is causing harm. Your mind can race in the days leading up to this big milestone in the child’s life, as you want to be sure the appointment not only goes well, but also that you remember to ask the right questions.…

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Receding Gums: How You Can Preserve Your Teeth

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When your gums start to recede, your teeth start to get exposed at the root. This can lead to nerve pain when eating or drinking and rotting of your teeth from exposure. It can even cause your teeth to become loose or fall out. Preserving your teeth is the best way to deal with a receding gum line, since once your gums start to pull back, they cannot come back again.…

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3 Problems That Organic Baby Food Solves

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Parents with young children have traditionally been forced to choose between commercially-produced foods or homemade baby food. If they didn’t like the commercially available products, then they would have to get special cooking appliances (steamers, blenders) and make their own baby food. This is a time consuming process and many parents simply don’t have the time or energy for it. Organic baby food is a great alternative. It addresses three of the key problems of commercially-available baby food.…

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