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Is Cotton Mouth Ruining Your Teeth?

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Regardless of its legality, marijuana is used by many people. One of the most common side effects of using marijuana is developing dry mouth, also known as cotton mouth. Unfortunately, cotton mouth could end up causing serious problems for the health of your teeth and gums. Here’s why you should be concerned and what you can do to combat the problem. What Is Cotton Mouth? The dryness you feel in your mouth after consuming marijuana isn’t just your imagination.…

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Do Teeth Get More Crooked The Older You Get?

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As one ages, certain changes naturally occur. Skin gets looser or saggier, wrinkles develop, and teeth can be worn down. However, if you’re noticing that your teeth are getting more crooked as you get older, this isn’t a normal or healthy thing to have happen. Here’s why your teeth might be getting more crooked the older you get and what you can do about it. Bad Habits Even if you thought it wasn’t affecting you previously, bad habits like biting your nails can have a long-term cumulative effect.…

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Do You Have Fillings And Play Contact Sports? Keep Your Dentist's Number Close At Hand

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Just about everybody has to get one or more fillings in their life. These fillings are designed to last years and should stay in place without trouble. However, playing rough contact sports can be a problem because it can cause a filling to fall out of your tooth and make it necessary to visit a dentist. A Hard Blow May Loosen Fillings Playing contact sports for fun on the weekend or after work is often a great way to blow off steam; however, a hard tackle from a friend or a teammate can cause dental problems that you might not anticipate.…

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