If you have suddenly lost a tooth, then you likely will want a replacement as soon as possible to ensure that aesthetics an function can be maintained. While you consider your options carefully in regard to a permanent replacement, there are some more temporary options to consider. A flipper tooth is one of them, but there are a few negatives to picking this sort of tooth. Keep reading to learn what they are and how they can be avoided.…
People often believe things that are simply not true, and this occurs in the field of dentistry quite often. In fact, there are a lot of different dental myths going around that are not true, and here are three common ones you might believe.
Flossing causes more harm than good
There are quite a few people who truly believe that flossing their teeth causes more harm than good, and this is one of the most common myths in dentistry.…
Regardless of its legality, marijuana is used by many people. One of the most common side effects of using marijuana is developing dry mouth, also known as cotton mouth. Unfortunately, cotton mouth could end up causing serious problems for the health of your teeth and gums. Here’s why you should be concerned and what you can do to combat the problem.
What Is Cotton Mouth?
The dryness you feel in your mouth after consuming marijuana isn’t just your imagination.…