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Situations Where Bone Grafting Is Needed Before a Dental Implant

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Replacing a missing tooth can have a huge impact when it comes to your self-esteem. And, teeth that are replaced with implant devices are far more secure and long-lasting than removable devices. However, you may need some additional assistance with your oral health before an implant can be secured. This may mean that a bone graft is needed, so keep reading to learn about some situations where grafting is ideal.

1. You Waited a Year or More

The most ideal situation is to replace the missing tooth as soon as possible. And, many dentists will want to secure the dental implant root at the same time as the actual tooth removal. If you are unable to get to your dentist within a short time though, then the bone structure that sits underneath the tooth socket will start to disintegrate. A good amount of the bone will disappear within the first year with up to 25% bone loss. 

Bone loss cannot be reversed and once the bulk of the bone is gone, there is simply not enough bone to support an implant tooth. This is where the bone graft comes in and different types of grafts can be chosen depending on the amount of bone loss that is noted. For this reason, your dental professional will need to do a thorough examination to determine this. X-ray images will show the structure of the jaw and determine its thickness. In addition to the imagery, a bone density scan may be completed using a dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry device.

2. You Already Have Osteoporosis

If you have osteoporosis already, then this does not mean that you cannot receive a dental implant. However, it does mean that your jaw may not be strong enough to keep the implant secure for a long time. Due to this fact, your dentist may need to use a wider or longer implant root and additional bone may be needed for this. In this situation, the graft will be utilized to extend the jaw bone enough that the implant will have the strength it needs.

Since osteoporosis may mean that your natural bone is not dense enough to hold the implant, you may be looking at the need for a donor bone. Cadaver bone is ideal in this case. You will need your jaw to integrate the replacement bone into your jaw, and this may mean stopping your osteoporosis medications for a period of time. These medicines will stop the natural breakdown and buildup of bone tissue. While this can prevent future bone loss issues, it will also prevent your graft from healing properly. 

Learn more about dental implants by contacting clinics like Apollo Dental Center.
