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Anxious About the Dentist? Here's How to Cope

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Dental anxiety can mean some people avoid their regular exams and cleaning appointments. We all know how quickly a small problem like a cavity can morph into an infection and worse if not treated right away. To get your mouth back to a good state of dental health, you must begin somewhere. Read on for some coping tips.

Reach Out for Support

You are not alone in your dental fears, but many sufferers feel ostracized from everyone else. Online support groups bring people who have dental anxieties together to offer help, tips, support, and coping skills for those who want to conquer their fears.

Find a Supportive Dental Team

Some dental offices specialize in patients who have dental fears and, as a consequence, may need extensive work done. These offices feature kind and caring staff members, a dentist sensitive to patient concerns, and techniques for ensuring patient comfort above all else.

Make an Appointment for a Consultation

You don't have to jump right into a cleaning, x-rays, or other treatments. Make an appointment with a caring dentist and make it clear that you are there just to talk. Let the dentist know you are a nervous dental patient and want to take things slowly.

Control Could Be the Issue

At the center of many dental anxieties is control. A previous negative dental experience could have made you feel that you were not in charge of your dental visit. With that in mind, talk with the dentist about some techniques that will make you feel more in control, such as having the dentist carefully explain what they are about to do, what it will be like, and how long it will last and having a set of hand signals worked out in advance so you can let the dentist know that you are ready for a break.

Learn to Relax

If you have dental anxieties, you may have issues with anxiety in general and that might call for some ways to help you relax any time you are tense. Try meditation for calming your mind. It takes practice, but those who are successful claim benefits far beyond calming dental fears. If meditation is not your thing, consider how deep breathing can stop your heart from racing and allow you to get through a scary moment.

Learn Some Distraction Techniques

Even those without dental fears use headphones and audio-books during visits. In addition, holding a squeeze ball could give your nervousness an outlet. To find out more tips on coping with dentistry and anxiety, speak to a friendly dentist to find out more.  
